Counseling Services



Are you getting the emotional support you need? Does life seem impossible? Do you feel anxious or overwhelmed for reasons that are not clear?

ROCA offers a supportive, non-judgmental environment to help you manage life's challenges. If you are experiencing any of the following then our counseling services may benefit you.

  • depression
  • anxiety
  • stress
  • trauma
  • addiction
  • grief or loss
  • eating disorder
  • relationship issues
  • family problems

Our therapists are trained in multiple disciplines to assess and help you address your condition. What ever it is that is causing you trouble, our experience and training will help you identify the causes and begin working toward a better tomorrow.

Chronic Illness Services

Are you dealing with cancer or another chronic illness? Has it impaired your ability to enjoy life? Is your family having a hard time with your condition?

Right now, you may be feeling numb, angry, depressed or any of a myriad of feelings. These are all expected. In our experience, individuals and their families exhibit a number of emotional states when health begins to fail us. You may be experiencing some of these emotions now:

  • depression, anger, guilt
  • low self-esteem due to change in body image or appearance
  • grief and isolation
  • hopelessness and loss of spirituality
  • loss of control and increased dependence on others
  • fear of the unknown

Dealing with your illness through counseling has been shown to improve the emotional state of both you and your participating family members. In addition, sharing your troubles then allows you to focus on getting better. Research indicates that many people recover faster, both emotionally and physically, when they combine medical treatment with ongoing counseling and support that addresses the individual's and family's stress, anxiety and depression.

Don't give up. There is always hope. ROCA is here to help.

Personal Improvement

Do you find it difficult to interact with others? Are you not achieving your personal or professional goals? Are you miserable at work?

Often the key to overcoming interpersonal or work-related issues is understanding what causes them. Perhaps there is some underlying fear or past experience standing in your way. Maybe your belief system tends toward the negative or your self-image is unrealistically low.

At ROCA we offer a non-judgmental approach to helping you identify and address the fears, anxieties or beliefs that are holding you back from achieving your life goals. Working through these issues in a safe environment with a professional counselor may be instrumental in bringing about the change you desire.